The Key to Skin Transformation


Whilst the topical application of products rejuvenates our dermis, the real magic for skin transformation happens beneath the surface and, it all begins in the gut.

The Gut Microbiome

The gut microbiome is a complex system that consists of lots of communities of different bacteria and yeasts (microbes) which line our entire digestive tract. This microbiome initially inherited from our mother’s DNA, develops and changes throughout our life. Our first contact with microbes occurs as we enter life via the vaginal canal and from breastfeeding. We acquire more as we continue to develop via the foods we eat, making anything and everything we digest incredibly important especially at a cellular level.

The adage we are what we eat has proven to be fundamental in relation to our overall health and longevity.

As we enter adulthood, our gut microbiome tends to stabilise, but is affected by lifestyle habits and disruption like stress, travel, antibiotic and prescription drugs. In a healthy microbiome, the bulk of these microbes are good for us. They harmoniously exist remaining neutral and performing functions that assist our digestion by producing essential nutrients. If imbalances occur through dietary choices or disruptive events you could be challenged by constant yeast infections or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as well as other gut related issues.

The Three P's

By now you are aware likely aware of the benefits of prebiotics and probiotics, but you may not have heard the of postbiotics and their importance in the maintenance of gut health and homeostasis. Like probiotic bacteria and prebiotic fibre, postbiotics can help support the health of the human microbiome.


A prebiotic is any compound that feeds and act as fuel for bacteria in the gut. It acts in the same as a fertiliser would for assisting a garden lawn to grow and flourish. Prebiotics mostly consist of dietary fibres that our bodies would not otherwise digest, like inulin. Prebiotics are the key to gut health. They don’t die or get broken down from exposure to stomach acid, so they assist probiotics to flourish. This symbiotic relationship is part of the reason we have gut microbiomes in the first place. By providing our gut bacteria with nutrients and a place to live, they support important functions in our bodies, like digestion and immunity. 

Prebiotics are naturally found in many plant-based foods, the issue is you have to consume large amounts. Prebiotics that support gut health include Jerusalem artichoke. Inulin helps increase the friendly bacteria in your gut, promoting better digestive health and absorption of minerals in your large intestine.


Probiotics are strains of good bacteria that help strengthen the gut wall against infection and illness. The direct translation of probiotic means, "for life”. Studies have shown that probiotics support skin health, fight oxidative stress and support mood regulation. They can be found in fermented foods as well as supplement form. 


Innate gut microbes and probiotics are active bacteria and yeasts. Those bacteria and yeasts thrive by eating prebiotics. Postbiotics are the remnants or metabolites after prebiotics are digested and fermented in the intestine. Simply put, when probiotics feed on prebiotics, postbiotics are produced. Postbiotics are the functional compounds (enzymes, peptides, organic acids, proteins and polysaccharides) of prebiotics that have been metabolised by microbes and fermented in the gut.1

Whilst the science of postbiotics is relatively new and evolving with the majority of scientific research published within the last decade, postbiotics have shown to support immune response, weight loss, antioxidant activities as well as healthy blood pressure and cholesterol.

Based on clinical research, if you’re ingesting adequate collagen (just 2.5g per day), it’s enough to replenish lost collagen stores.

Gut and skin supporting ingredients include: 

Astaxanthin – a naturally occurring pigment that gives a red hue colour to marine organisms. Clinical studies show that astaxanthin can improve dermal wrinkles and epidermal fine lines caused by dryness. It may also inhibit the expression of collagen digesting enzymes and protect fibroblast synthesis from oxidative stress. Supplementation may reduce signs of ageing caused by excessing exposure to UVA radiation. 

Resveratrol – has been shown to protect against damage caused by ultraviolet radiation and stress. It has powerful antioxidant capabilities making it highly effective in combating the damaging effect of free radicals that leads to skin ageing. It is beneficial for repair and prevention of damage in all skin types.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) – a natural polymer present in skin and connective tissue that influences skin hydration. As we age synthesis of HA decreases. Around 50% of naturally produced HA is metabolised and extracted daily making supplementation crucial as we age. Studies have shown that oral ingestion of HA can improve skin elasticity, moisturisation, UV photoactive protection, desquamation (skin shedding) and have an overall anti-wrinkle effect.

Vitamin C – As we age, our collagen and elastin levels naturally decrease, which can lead to the first signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C helps to promote the formation of these two proteins, helping to keep your skin plump and youthful. The addition of super berries with high ORAC ratios, including our own native Kakadu Plum and Davidson Plum provide the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C required to synthesise and stimulate collagen production and help to reduce oxidative stress. 

Aloe vera – is highly regarded for wound healing and skin repair. Dietary supplementation has shown promise for the prevention of premature skin ageing. When taken internally, it improves facial wrinkles and elasticity, and it increases the type I pro-collagen. It also has soothing and calming properties for the gut.

Benefits of Collagen for Skin, Hair and Nails

Collagen synthesis naturally varies and declines and skin naturally ages. The collagen fibres become thicker and much shorter, resulting in a loss of collagen and causing changes to the structure and elasticity of the skin. Scientific studies have proven that oral hydrolysed marine collagen peptides are distributed around the body in particular the dermis of the skin, where they can remain for up to 14 days to firstly provide the building blocks for collagen and elastin fibres as well as assisting in the formation and stimulation of the production of new collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

A true collagen product must actually contain collagen. Whilst there are skin supporting ingredients that are plant derived, they are not able to replenish or replace lost collagen.

Collagen peptides are bioactive. That means, once they are absorbed into the bloodstream, they can influence the activity of cells in the body in multiple ways such as stimulating fibroblasts in the skin to make more hyaluronic acid, which is essential for skin hydration. They can help the body repair damaged tissue and provide structural support for skin, contributing to healthy hair, and even maintaining bone density, making collagen peptides an essential addition to your health and beauty regime.

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By Mukti

Mukti has been actively involved in the beauty and personal care industry for over two decades. Her varied career has encompassed a common thread focusing on health and wellness. Her aim is to reconnect people to nature, creating health and happiness via toxin-free lifestyles and beauty regimes.